Yesterday I managed to off the computer and do my work. And I realized how much I love doing homework.
The thing that immediately got me into my room and doing my work was 'cause my aunty was coming over to my house to get something. I didn't wanna hear any scoldings or whatever :]
So yay~ thank you aunty. Also, thanks to my mom.
She has mood swings.
I manage to do some work and also cleaned some parts of my room. My first things to do during the holidays is to clean my room. I've lost my cleanaholic spirit and now, shall regain it back.
So yesterday,i was thinking about Blogging and i finally realised that Blogging and plurking and stuffs like that had taken over my life. So I've decided to cut back on it. After the holiday that is. More homework for me. More books to read.
Oh can't we all just waiti to drive free from problems.
Happy birthday thomas. Thanks for being there when i needed a shoulder to cry on.
School is drama. Hate it. Hate some of the people too.
Glad that holiday's coming. Whooo~
Need to borrow books to read during the holidays. Anyone? :)
And dearrrr readers of mine. I will not be using any "formal" English here. It'll just be me :] Just crazy, weird, teenage me. With words such as.. WASSUPPPP HOMMIESS!
But before anything. What do you think of me blogging with my mobile here? Is it just another waste of time.
Hello and welcome to my mobile blog. If you do not know me, I'm Angelina Kein, the blogger from AngelKein, my main blog. I would be blogging with my phone here when no computer is near me and do not expect any super long post with loads of words. That would be at the main. on. *click on picture to enter main blog*